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TPE Magazine

Name:TPE Magazine(TPE Magazine)

Place of Publication:Germany

Subscription Price:€80/year


Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are one of the fastest growing areas in thermoplastic materials. According to a recent study published by Freedonia Group the current demand worldwide is in excess of 2,700,000 metric tonnes per year with annual growth more than 6 %. The forecast for the year 2016 is 4,900,000 metric tonnes.

Articles on thermoplastic elastomers appear in magazines specialising either on plastics or on elastomers, in magazines serving automotive, chemical and wire and cable industries as well as in design engineering periodicals. Considering the fast growth rate and the variety of products offered and the multitude of applications, it appears that the time is ripe for a practical periodical that would provide articles and reviews on raw materials, processing, quality assurance as well as short articles and news about companies, personalities, conferences, expositions, fairs and other events; all applicable to thermoplastic elastomers. Therefore we are proud to publish worldwide the first TPE Magazine which deals with all these matters.