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Petroleum Resin C5
Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Resin C5

Synonym: Aliphatic resin C5

Molecular Formula: C5H8

Molecular Weight: 400~2000

Structure Formula:

CSA NO.: 64742-16-1


Appearance (eyeballing)
yellowish granule
yellowish granule
Softening Point (R&B)
Color No. (50% Toluene)Ga.
5.0 Max
4.0 Max
Acid Value(mg KOH/g)
1.0 Max
1.0 Max
Ash Content(wt%)
0.1 Max
0.1 Max
Melt Viscosity(200)Cps
250 Max
250 Max

Properties:  Good fluidity that can improve the wetting property of master material. Excellent initial adhesion performance. Super aging resistance performance. Light color and Transparent material. No smell and low volatility materials. Excellence between initial adhibition and cohesive intensity and intensive stripping.


Good thickening content of adhesive and contact adhesive. It can be used in building structure and decoration, automobile assemble, tyre, packing, book, sanitation appliances and shoes. For the paint additives, it can speed the drying period, improve performance the of paint,including waterproof, acid, alkali resistance and anti-age, hardness and glossiness. As the melting joint route mark paint, it is fast dry, strong adhesion, lone life, element resistane. It has fine stability.


C5 Petroleum Resins are non-hazardous chemical product. It should be stored in dry and cool places. Keep away from fire. Sunshine, moisture and pollution. Avoided prolonged storage due to the potential effect on performance.